Digital Learning Planning for Organisations
What is Digital Learning Planning?
The digitalisation of society is transforming everyday life.
Youth organisations and non-formal learning spaces are changing the way they reach and support young people. Youth workers and educators are looking for ways to effectively technology enhanced services that support their work.
However, are youth organisations and non-formal organisations ready to make the most of digital technologies to support young peoples’ personal and social development?
Our research shows that many things can still be improved.
To help organisations to strategically plan to improve their use of digital technologies we developed several easy-to-use tools.

Our Digital Learning Planning Toolkit includes:
- An online course to guide senior managers through the digital learning process
- Guidelines for Digital Learning Planning and template
- An online digital readiness self assessment tool and custom downloadable report
- Data collection templates for staff survey, youth insights and a technology audit
How will you use your Customized Plan?
Hearing the voices of the whole organisation is essential. The self assessment report, findings from the staff survey, youth insights and technology audit can all be used by senior managers to start a conversation within the organisation and with wider stakeholders. Together they can create the Digital Learning Plan, i.e. a whole organisation strategic action plan to improve the use of digital technologies for the development of young people.
Every organisation is unique. Standards, statements, templates and survey questions are provided so that each organisation can adapt or add to these to suit its own situation.
By completing this self assessment, senior managers can assess their digital readiness across many different areas – organisational strategy, infrastructure, practice and service delivery to young people and much more.
This feedback is then used to generate a customised Digital Readiness Self Assessment Report. This provides a snapshot of where the organisation is at on its digital journey and recommendations of potential areas for improvement over the next 3 years.