Tell the participants that now they will practise the creativity principle of “Build on each other’s ideas”. Split the group into teams of a maximum of 4 people, and ask them to download on one of the team members’ phones/tablets the app “Texting Story”. They will use the app to create a common story that starts with “We are going on a trip…”.
Rules of the game:
- They choose the name of the two characters from the “Texting Story” conversation, who go on a trip.
- One person starts the story/the conversation and writes down the story in the app (while saying the story out loud for the team);
- After 30 seconds of writing, the person passes the phone to the next team member that resumes the story with “yes, and… “ and continues for 30 seconds the story;
- Each team has to take five rounds to develop the common story;
- Participants should think of stories that are not offensive, intolerant, aggressive in any way. Make them aware of the consequences of extreme and cultural or gender insensitive stories.
- At the end, the story is saved as a video and shared on the common social media channel group created for the workshop.
The whole group watches the videos developed, and then reflects on the exercise – what they learned, what was useful, what was challenging, what they think about the final stories they created together, etc.
Conclude the exercise by asking the group what other creativity principles they involved in the exercise.