How to say it right?

2 hours

Short overview:

The workshop will support participants to improve their public speaking and presentation skills, learning how to articulate their ideas effectively. The participants will learn and practice the Golden Circle of Simon Sinek, for a personal story, at the end of the workshop being able to better structure their ideas and thoughts. At the same time, through the workshop activities, the young people will also become aware of the importance and effects of the non-verbal communication aspects of their presentations or speeches.

Objectives of the workshop:

  • To learn how to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills;
  • To learn how to structure an inspiring speech and presentation;
  • To be able to use the Golden Circle of Simon Sinek – Why/How/What – in developing the personal story.
Methods: Mini-lecture
Materials: Flipchart paper Markers
5 mins.
  1. Introduce the participants the flash-story or six-word story, as a method of communicating our messages in the most efficient and shortest way. You could use the urban legend about how Ernest Hemingway bet with his friend that he would write the shortest novel in the world and he wrote this six-word novel: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
Methods: Individual work Presentations
15 mins.

Ask the participants to write a six-word story about something that happened to them in the last days. Ask them to go to their phones, find a picture taken in the last days, and choose six-words to tell the story of that picture, of what happened. This could be prepared like a story for Instagram. Ask the participants to share and present their story or their idea for the Instagram story.

Methods: Group discussions Individual work Mini-lecture
20 mins.
Material usage/Remarks:

Taking notes app, such as Keep for Android or Notes for iOS


Make a short introduction talking about how important is to express our ideas effectively. Ask participants to think and nominate moments in which their or their friends’ less efficient way of communicating generated frustrations or misunderstandings. Tell them that during the workshop they will learn one method of expressing their ideas or their stories in a very effective way, focused on convincing and motivating specific audience. But first, ask them to write down, using an app from their phones for taking notes, a one minute story about the moment when they choose their future career - how and why they chose that specific career, and what they would do to pursue it.

Methods: Group work Presentations
5 mins.

Ask them to share the stories in pairs. Each participant has one minute to share to another partici- pant his/her story. After they are done sharing in pairs, ask for 4-5 examples from the participants, to share what they learned about the person they listened to and what they think about the way in which the story was told.

Methods: Mini-lecture
Materials: Flipchart paper Laptop Markers Video-projector
10 mins.

Introduce the participants to the Golden Circle of Why/How/What (Simon Sinek), which helps them to talk powerfully about themselves or their ideas.

Methods: Individual work
10 mins.
Material usage/Remarks:

Taking notes app, such as Keep for Android or Notes for iOS


Ask the participants to go back to their stories of choosing their careers, and re-write them using the Golden Circle (Why/How/What).

Methods: Group work
20 mins.

Afterwards, you will ask the participants to sit on two rows of chairs, facing each other, and start a Story Bazaar. Each pair has to share the new stories. After 4-5 minutes, you make a signal and you ask one row to move with one chair, so the pairs change. Do this several times, until each participant can listen to and share his/her story to at least other 5-7 participants. In pairs, participants tell their stories in one minute, and then they give each other feedback.

Methods: Individual work
5 mins.
Material usage/Remarks:

Taking notes app, such as Keep for Android or Notes for iOS


Ask the participants to refine their stories, for the final time, using the feedback they received.

Methods: Group work
15 mins.
Material usage/Remarks:

Smartphones for filming


In pairs, the participants will film each other, using their phones, while they are telling their revised one-minute stories about why they chose their career and how they would pursue it and what ex- actly their plan is.

Methods: Group discussions Presentations
Materials: Flipchart paper Laptop Markers Video-projector
15 mins.
Material usage/Remarks:

A social media closed group


Using a closed social media groups, ask the participants to share the videos of their stories. Ask some volunteers to present their videos, and then, with the help of the participants give feedback on the non-verbal aspects of speech (voice/tone, facial expressions, gestures, etc.). Reflect with the participants how the non-verbal communication aspects affect the audience and how they could be improved.


Please share your comments, feedbacks, suggestions about this workshop here.