Post IT – Collect one story, make three stories
Short overview:
The workshop will support young people to learn on how to develop messages for different social media channels, and how to utilize the most appropriate media creation tools for these messages. At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to use specific interviewing
techniques and use specific applications/platforms for developing and sharing messages.
Objectives of the workshop:
- To understand how to use the most appropriate media creation tools;
- To learn about interviewing and developing stories for different social media channels;
- To be able to develop specific messages, by interviewing strangers and writing afterwards short stories from these interviews.
Ask the participants if they are familiar with Humans of New York project, and make a short introduction of the project, then show them 3-5 recent stories selected from the project social media channels.
For each story you show them, ask the participants to think of questions that the journalist asked in order to collect such a story.
Tell the participants that it is their moment to collect stories from the Stories Bazar. First, each participant will prepare one question to ask other participants in the room to collect a short story. The participants need to walk around and, during five rounds, they will collect and tell stories, asking their question and mutually answering to the question asked by their pair. After five rounds, participants shared their experience: what worked in the short interviews, how people reacted to their stories, how they would change their questions, what other questions they will add, how they felt as interviewers and interviewees, etc.
Flipchart paper, markers
Or Video-projector and laptop if you decide to use a digital presentation
Here, you could also introduce a short introduction on how to take good photographs.
To prepare, you could use this short guide: English-2-0.
Deliver a short presentation on how to interview people, what type of questions to ask, what is the right attitude in interviewing, how to respect the interviewees, etc.
Split the participants in teams of 2-3 people, and ask them to go on the streets, close to the training place, and collect at least one story from strangers, using the theory they just learned about. Ask them to come back in maximum one hour with at least one story that will include 2-3 pictures of the interviewee, taken with a smartphone for instance, and a short text about him/her in the Humans of New York style.
Show the participants how to use:
Canva for making a poster, Adobe Spark for developing a story-page.
Ask each team to prepare, using the story and the pictures they collected before:
- A post entry for Facebook;
- A poster for Instagram;
- An entry blog using a Adobe Spark Page.
Video-projector, laptop and a social media group, where the participants can post their media creations
Each team presents the stories and also the “behind the scenes” story (how they collect it, what questions they asked what the biggest struggle was, what the most enjoyable part was, etc.). Provide the teams direct feedback on the stories they developed for different social media channels.
Please share your comments, feedbacks, suggestions about this workshop here.