Warsaw, Poland. Since all of our work in SKILL IT FOR YOUTH project is now complete, it is time now to share it with the relevant educators, institutions and organizations so as to inspire and enhance their everyday youth work practice.
On Tuesday, 28th of January, Fundacja Samodzielni Robinsonowie hosted 20 participants at the final Multiplier Event. There were youth organisations leaders, youth workers, NGOs representatives, teachers and educators (formal & non-formal), and education experts. Among others, we hosted Maria Kolankiewicz, Associate Professor from Pedagogy Department of the University of Warsaw and Anna Kosmala, head master of 2 SLO High School.
We introduced the participants to the project concept and to the wonderful results we developed during the last 2 years. We started with a short quiz in Kahoot referencing our Research results which had studied the needs and level of the digital and future skills of young people.
Then we presented the project website, its structure and the tools we developed including the Competence Framework for Digital Youth Work Practice and the interactive self-assessment tool to measure the key competencies. We also shared the concept of Organizational Digital Readiness Guide for senior managers & leaders to embed digital technology into their organisations.
We presented a short video with Polish subtitles covering the main thesis extracted from the Policy Brief. We finished by working in small groups and collecting participants’ feedback regarding problems and solutions to better support young people in developing their digital and future skills. We used Mentimeter to gather the input from participants and to reflect/comment on it together. Each participant was given a hard copy of the Policy Brief document.
The second part of the event was dedicated to the Training Tooolkit, which we presented in a practical manner; we ran a part of the workshop “Digital reporters” from the Critical Thinking chapter (this included using a Mentimeter quiz about fake or true news based on real examples from Polish media). People loved it. All participants received a hard copy of the workshop’s scenario translated into the Polish language. This was designed to encourage youth workers and other practitioners to use the Training Toolkit so as to strengthen the potential for digital skill enhancement among young people.
The feedback from participants was enthusiastic. They stated that they were inspired and encouraged to use the project tools in their everyday youth work practice.
Thank you to all the participants for their great input and involvement during the meeting : Fundacja Atalaya Towarzystwo Nasz Dom/ Our Home Association, Fundacja EY Punktus – Punkt Wsparcia dla Usamodzielniającej się Młodzieży Warszawa Rodzinna Stowarzyszenie Trenerów Organizacji Pozarządowych STOP Fundacja Wspomagania Wsi Centrum Myśli Jana Pawła II 2SLO Eureka – szkoła podstawowa Wydział Pedagogiczny UW Restauracja Mokolove Wolontariat Warszawa
The Multiplier Event covered the following topics:
- Skill IT for Youth Research Report – IO1
- Competence Framework for Digital Youth Work Practice – IO2
- A strategic guide for senior managers & leaders to embed digital technology into their organisations – IO3
- Training Toolkit for Youth Worker and digital youth work – IO4
- Policy Brief addressing the importance and significance of digital and future skills to the employability of young people and emphasising the role of and value of youth work in the delivery of these skills and competencies – IO5