Training Toolkit for Youth Workers & Educators
to Deliver Digital Skills to Young People

What is it and who is it for?
The Training Toolkit is a tool for youth workers and more generally educators to enhance their competence in providing workshops to young people (16 -24 yrs old) to develop their 21st century employability skills.
What we propose in this Training Toolkit is a digital perspective on well-known competences. We encourage youth workers to enrich their activities using the tools and resources that new technology brings to the learning process.
The toolkit provides:
- detailed instructions on how to hold workshops for young people on 7 selected competences, including ready-to-use scenarios, digital tools and resources suggestions, timings and other practical pointers,
- theory and research-based facts on selected competences, digital skills needs and attainment,
- workshop scenarios developed for young people aged 16-24; however the same ideas and methods can be used in working with other age groups, and also in formal education.
How did we design it?
The toolkit design is grounded in what we heard from the various stakeholders regarding young people’s digital learning needs; we also consulted other research and especially considered the P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning. This is how we selected the 7 Competences, referring not only to the needs of young people but also to employers and the expectations of the modern workplace.
The Toolkit provides instructions to youth workers on how to build up the competences identified in our Competence Framework. Youth workers can also interact with this platform and upload their own examples of workshops.
Below you will find a list of Digital Tools that we find useful in a Youth Work setting (or other non-formal learning) with a short description of how they can be used and a link to the tools themselves. We have also compiled a list of Useful Additional Resources and reading materials that can complement the bespoke Tools are offering here.
Do you want to see how this looks in practice?
The Youth Workers who attended our International Training documented the workshops they ran with young people using this Toolkit – take a look and get inspired!