Policy Briefs
The policy briefs highlight, on the one hand, the importance of digital and future skills attainment to the employability of young people, and on the other hand, the extremely valuable and unique role that youth work by its nature plays in supporting young people to attain these essential skills and competences.

They also present current policy barriers and future policy solutions which would assist young people in attaining digital and future skills.
The current level of advancement in Digital Youth Work varies greatly from country to country within Europe, however the need to prioritise forming well-rounded and employable young individuals in this digital age, is universal and, to a large extend, the policies that could support the non-profit youth sector in this areas are similar.
These policy briefs are based on co-creation and co-design principles, and on a ‘governance by network’ approach, in which all relevant stakeholders have a voice and can contribute in bringing innovation in the community. In practice this means we took into account not only our own Skill IT Research findings, but also other local research reports; it also means that we recorded the views and experiences of all the stakeholders we interacted with at various key stages of this 2 year project, including the initial interviews and focus groups, the international youth worker training, the local seminars we hosted for youth sector professionals, and the online poll that we ran specifically around Policy issues.
Please read and share these documents widely, and don’t hesitate to get in touch with the project team with your comments.
The current level of advancement in Digital YouthWork varies greatly from country to country within Europe, however the need to prioritise forming well-rounded and employable young individuals in this digital age, is universal and, to a large extend, the policies that could support the non-profit youth sector in this areas are similar.
Below you can see the online survey we ran in each country to gather the views of the stakeholders and contribute those to our Policy Briefs.