Chapter 1
Introduction to Skill IT project and Training Toolkit
Welcome to the Training Toolkit – your friendly guide in helping young people to better face the challenge of developing the right skills to meet the requirements of the modern job market.
The Toolkit was compiled as part of the Skill IT for Youth – Integrating Digital and Future Skills into Youth Work project. The aim of the project is to increase the quality, attractiveness and effectiveness of working with young people through digital tools and programmes. It is about equipping youth workers with knowledge, skills and self-confidence in the field of digital competences so that they can share these with young people and strengthen them in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
The training materials presented here refer to the latest research findings and in particular to skills identified in the P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning. The training toolkit was developed also based on the needs of young people in both general work competences and specifically in digital skills, identified in our qualitative research study, conducted as part of this project in each partner country (Ireland, Norway, Poland and Romania) with 4 types of respondents:
- Youth, aged 16-24
- Employers
- Youth workers
- NGOs’ leaders and managers from the youth sector
The research showed that there is a gap between employers’ expectations and young people’s perceptions in relation to the set of skills they should possess to deal with a complex and constantly changing work environment.