Now, each team has a lot of information collected: the data from the survey, the drawing and the recordings with the stories. Ask them to:
- Read the 5-6 answers from the survey, and write down their first ideas about young people’s needs and some insights (what they said about their cinema experience);
- Each member of the team to listen to one or two stories recorded during the interviews (but not the story they recorded). Again, they should write additional information about needs & insights (what young people think and feel about their cinema experiences);
- Analyze together what young people drew, and try to decipher what they feel or think, and what is important to them. Write down the last conclusions from this analysis. Finally, the team should select the most important need they discover and a relevant insight from the data they collected about young people’s cinema experience. Each team presents the need and the insight they discovered. During the exercise they could collect the information on a common flipchart paper or on a Google Doc file.