Information Literacy
Information Literacy (PDF)
Recognising when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate information in various formats from a variety of sources.
Managing the flow of information from a variety of sources and applying fundamental understanding of legal / ethical issues surrounding the access and use of information.
Use and Manage Information with knowledge of the ethical / legal issues surrounding the access, retention and use of information. (e.g. GDPR)
Know how to access information online and in other media.
Aware of different sources, knows how to manage information from internet
Understand the mechanisms of information spreading.
Locate, illustrate, organise and describe information
Know of tools and techniques in browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content
Challenge peers / young people to think critically about digital content and services
Understand digital literacy levels of young people (and adjust digital youth work activities to it)
Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources) –
Evaluate information critically and competently, to ascertain credibility or reliability of defined sources of data, information and digital content.
Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand –
Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources
Search, analyse, verify sources and manage quality information.
Differentiate between information and entertainment.
Manage data (personal or work related) securely. Browsing, searching, filtering data, information and digital content. Evaluating data, information and digital content
Challenge young people to think critically about digital content and services
Observe academic / international reports that are relevant, to enable up to date practice
Critique and observe superficial flow of information.
Sensitive to ethical aspects of using information
Practice an open mind to improve own skills and knowledge, constantly adapt to new information, in order to improve services and to support organizational development
Take caution when using social media, other flows of information, to ensure that integrity of work youth work is maintained
Observe the safety measures required with use of data, communications forums and young people activity regarding personal data
Uses information for problem solving, tasks fulfilment and source verification
Explore and Respond – always attempt to stay current with updates and changes to data use and management (in a continually changing digi environment)
Integrate knowledge to contribute to professional practice and professional development of others
Pay attention to organisation policies / legislation or directives regarding information management
Adopt other competency strengths to complement competence in Information Literacy